Some scientists believe that whiskey may be one of the keys to preventing the Big C.
For a quite a number of years, liquor has been known not only to bring destructive intoxication and addiction upon its patrons, but also as deterrent to a healthy lifestyle. But as a potential weapon against cancer? Sounds controversial.
Rumors that single malt whiskey may be a tool to combat cancer have begun circulating recently. Whether it actually holds any water has yet to be proven. According to one of the theory’s proponents, a consultant to the whiskey industry, Dr. Jim Swan, the antioxidants present in whiskey, particularly ellagic acid, can reduce the risk of developing cancer, since this acid fights the unstable atoms that aid in rapid cell replication. He added that the more cells were produced, the more likely that rogue cancer cells will be born. “Whiskey can protect you from cancer and science proves it,” he said, speaking at the EuroMedLab 2005 conference in Glasgow. Dr Swan explained that ellagic acid, which is in greater concentration in whiskey than in red wine, breaks down the harmful free radicals present in our body.
Big C. というのは癌のこと。これが本当なら私はもう生涯癌にかかる気がしません!しかし、"Whether it actually holds any water has yet to be proven."(正しいかどうかは証明されていない)どころか、記事の最後の最後では"this is probably not the time to become this optimistic about whiskey’s alleged benefits."(ウィスキーの「まゆつば」な効能についてそんなに期待するには時期尚早だろうて)と結論しています。なんだかな。スワン博士の研究成果を気長に見守ります。