Interview with an Honest Boss ――字幕


Interview with an Honest Boss *1

  • overtime

Here's how it works.
You stay late and work lots and lots of extra hours.
And then on pay day, we don't pay you for those hours, but we tell you that you're doing just a great, great job.
And then you smile without showing all the anger that you have inside.

  • open door policy

Here's the policy.
If you see my door open, please, please close it.
My gosh, if I have to listen to one more whining employee complaining about so and so said this, so and so said that *2 ...La, la, la, la!
You know, go to HR. *3
Just leave me out of it.

  • promotions

Umm, let me see.
Brownnosers, suck-ups, butt-kissers. *4
I promote those people.
They make me feel good.

  • sick days

Umm, I believe that should read "sick day" and not "days"

*1:この場合の interview は「面接」の意ですね。就職活動にあたって、会社の方針や制度について、このクソ正直な上司にいろいろと訊いているという設定


*3:Human Resources 要するに、人事部。

*4:3つ挙げられていますが、全部同じ意味w 「ゴマスリ」