"Iowa Nice" 書き起こし

 御承知の通り、今アイオワ州では共和党員集会(Iowa Caucus)の真っ最中で、世界から注目を集めていますが、アイオワといえば「ダサいド田舎で、偏屈な人間が集まっている」というステレオタイプが全米に浸透している州でして、現に「保守派の牙城」等とも誤解されていたりするのですが、その固定観念を打ち破るべく制作された動画です!私自身いろいろと啓蒙されました(ことばは汚いけどw)。

 So, I hear you think you know something about Iowa. F**k you.

 You heard we're a bunch of knee-jerk conservative reactionaries. I guess that's why we went Democratic in five out of the last six presidential elections. How do you like me now?

 Did your state legalize gay marriage before us? Probably not.

 The first woman in America to become a lawyer was in Iowa in 1869.

 You think we're all hillbillies. Well, four out of five of us live in cities, punk.

 What about farmers, you say? You think farmers are hillbillies? Sit down, son.

 One Iowa farmer feeds 155 of you. Do you like to eat? Looks like it.

 You think farming is easy. The average Iowa farm is larger than 300 football fields.

 It takes a fleet of tricked out machines and a s**t kind of ag science to make it all work. How tough is your job? Don't answer. You look like you can use a break.

 Iowa has the sixth lowest unemployment in the nation. Des Moines is ranked the richest metro in the country and the second happiest. Guess you can't have it all.

 So, stop worrying about what we know, and spend a little more time on what you don't know. The next time you fly over, "give us a wave." We'll wave back. We're nice.

 That's right. We're nice. F**kwad.

 I'm out.

 One more thing. You're probably watching this on a computer. Any guesses as to where it was invented? New York? MIT? California? Think again, b***h.