YouTube起こし――Oscars Trailer:"Off the Grid"

 今週は書き起こしばかりだw 少々飽きてきたなぁ
 アカデミー賞の予告動画(豪華キャスト)。今年の司会は往年の名コメディアン・名司会 Billy Crystal。ただ、文字通り「往年の」存在でして、「もう終わった人」「今どこで何してるの」「時代に合わない」等々、この人選は物議を醸しましたね。さあどうなるか・・・

They say he went off the grid.

Just bring him to me.

They were charged with tracking down a legend.

This man. Have you seen him?

How do you find a phantom?

Try going to the furthest location on Earth.

So, are we talking about uh, uh...

He's in Mongolia! Jeez!

Some say he doesn't want to be found. Others say he died ten years ago. If you ask me, it's a lof of cuckoo talk.

What do you believe?

It's obvious. He transformed into a yeti.

Are you the one they call "the Host"?

Nobody has called me that in years. I go by the name of Shukasin(綴り不明。誰かをふまえているのかな?) now. You're wasting your time.

We come to you on behalf of an old friend.

You could've just texted it.

Billy Crystal hosts the Academy Awards live February 26th on ABC.